Sunday, 12 January 2014


If A= {1, 2, 3, 4} then A2=?

It’s a simple math. But matter of thinking. Just see it as multiplication. Become surprise? Don’t be... Look it like:
 I hope now it become easier to you.


Given that A= {1, 2, 3, 4}.


= {1, 2, 3, 4}*{1, 2, 3, 4}

Gender is changing!!!

                      Gender is changing!!!

That is, a set of medical procedures undergone by transgender people to alter their sexual characteristics from male to female or from female to male. Several medical conditions can result in a natural sex change in humans, where the appearance at birth is somewhat, mostly, or completely of one sex, but changes over the course of a lifetime to being somewhat, mostly or completely of the other sex. The overwhelming majority of natural sex changes are from a female appearance at birth to a male appearance after puberty; due to either 5-alpha-reductase deficiency (5alpha-RD-2) or 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenise deficiency (17beta-HSD-3). A relative handful of male to female changes have been reported, and the etiologist of these are not well understood.
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She was he!!!

Genetic females (with two X chromosomes) with congenital adrenal hyperplasia lack an enzyme needed by the adrenal gland to make the hormones cortical and aldosterone. Without these hormones, the body produces more androgen, a type of male sex hormone. This causes male characteristics to appear early (or inappropriately).

Genetic males (with one X and one Y chromosome) with androgen insensitivity syndrome are resistant to male hormone androgen. As a result, the person has some or all of the physical characteristics of a woman, despite having the genetic makeup of a man. The degree of sexual ambiguity varies widely in persons with incomplete AIS. Incomplete AIS can include other disorders such as Reifenstein syndrome which is associated with breast development.

invention to hide

New invention to hide!!!

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This kinds of hiding is over
Yes the time of hiding is over. Can't believe? 
Ok let me complete. There was a time and still now people hide them by wearing cloth in his full body to hide himself in front of some one. To change the method of hiding the scientist of Canada Torrent University made an electronic device. This device can abduct any security system include RADAR. 
The professors of Torrent University said that it create an electromagnetic field which can abduct RADAR. They also added that the time is no long when people can hide in front of other’s eye if the device can stop the wave of light.
So it’s the time to wait. We wish they can make it as soon as possible.

Respect to all scientist

Hello everyone
I am here to say something about scientist. In science we can see something which is unbelievable to a general people who don’t know about that. People who work for science they are trying to do best they can. They work to develop the world, not foe finance. If we see the background of great scientist we will be able to notice that they were not rich. They had to fight with poorness. Just look at Newton. He can’t study without break. He had to stop study for his poorness. I don’t try to long my article. Actually I write this article to remember and respect the scientists who spend their whole life for science. I bow down my head to them and want to say:   “Sir, World are missing you”

Note: I promise that after that post I will give some unique. Stay with us....

Thank you


I am Suman. You are in my blog right now. I warmly welcome you in Science world. Actually I am here to  share with you some thing which might be unknown to you. Please stay on touch. I guarantied that of course you will find something unique. This is a blog which talk about science. You will get update news about science.

Thank you.