Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Breast Cancer!!

Introduction: Science's special section on breast cancer takes a look at the state of research and treatment 20 years after the isolation of the BRCA1 gene

In the whole world breast cancer in most scared able for women.  Women are using tied cloths for a long time or use perfume very much becomes attacked by this virus. A prostitute also can attack. In the ranking the women of Europe, America, Africa and Asia is in the danger line.
The treatment of breast cancer is so complicated. Many women had to die for that although they take treatment. If the treatment can start in initial moment it can finally removed. On the other hand the treatment is so expensive.
When deciding what treatment is best for you, your doctors will consider:
The stage and grade of your cancer (how big it is and how far it has spread)
Your general health
Whether you have been through the menopause
You can discuss your treatment with your care team at any time and ask any questions.
The main treatments for breast cancer are:
Hormone therapy
Biological therapy (targeted therapy)
You may have one of these treatments or a combination. The type of treatment or the combination of treatments will depend on how the cancer was diagnosed and the stage it is at. Breast cancer diagnosed at screening may be at an early stage, but breast cancer diagnosed when you have symptoms may be at a later stage and require a different treatment. Your healthcare team will discuss with you which treatments are most suitable

In our face we show twenty emotions!!

Yeah that’s true.
“I thought it was very odd to have only one positive emotion,” says cognitive scientist Aleix Martinez of Ohio State University in Columbus.

Like him every scientist thought that people could convey only happiness, surprise, sadness, anger, fear and disgust.
He and colleagues came up with 16 combined ones, such as “happily disgusted” and “happily surprised.” Then the researchers asked volunteers to imagine situations that would provoke these emotions, such as listening to a gross joke, or getting unexpected good news.
The team compared pictures of the volunteers making different faces and analyzed every eyebrow wrinkle, mouth stretch and tightened chin, “what we found was beyond belief,” Martinez says. For each compound emotion everyone used the same facial muscles. The team reports on March 31 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

This research may be help computer engineer to develop face recognized software and help scientists better understand emotion-perception disorders such as schizophrenia.