Time Machine
All of us usually try to know about our future. How will be that if we can know that? Let's have some discousion about time machine
No one in our world even thought about that kind of machine. Don't know why I am writing on it. Actually I am so much interested in this kind of machine which can bring us past or future. I have read many science fiction books about this topic and also watched many movies and from this I have inspired. As a science lover I just want to make the dream comes true. I like to start a project on it. If anyone want to join you are most welcome. You have to be an science student and you have to work without payment. No matter where from you. May it's look like madness but I am going to start it. You don't like this it's OK, but please don't do any negative comment. I just want to do. Everyone want to do best so I also tiring. I am not focusing any one. I want to start oersonali and I am not involve with any one.