Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Giving Birth to a Patagonian Red Octopus

We all are known about Octopus, which have 8 legs and no bone. It has a special character that “It can change his color any time”. Generally an Octopus can be found in the deepest position of sea. It’s so much dangerous. If it caught any fish, it is impossible becoming free for the fish. Their eggs much be easier—being naturally contained and all. Not always, it turns out.

A team of researchers in Chile have been on a quest to grow a local octopus species in captivity after it was over fished in the wild. The results were published this year in Aquaculture.
Patagonian Red Octopus is so small. It is one meter long. It is slow glower. Its eggs are also so sensitive. The eggs alone take five months of careful incubation and tending before hatching. And no one was sure the best way to keep these sensitive octo eggs alive.
A team of researchers from Chile and Mexico captured 16 females and 12 males and take them in lab. The researchers put a Octopus in a tank. They let the Octopus to mate and then left the females alone again to lay and tend to their eggs—hoping to glean a few clues about embryonic development patterns and tending tips.
2095 is an average number of egg laid by an female Octopus. At first the egg is 10 millimeters. But in time of hatch it reaches in 14 millimeters. The eggs get many kind of nutrition during hatch. 40% to 100% eggs are lost by the female Octopus. She was only able to hatched 15% eggs only.
Assessing the contents of the egg yolk sac during the embryo development, they found that the octopuses used up just about all of the nutrients before hatching. In particular, unsaturated fatty acids seemed important to regulate membranes in the cold water environment. And, like developing human babies, the octopuses also had “a high demand for DHA to form a well-developed nervous system that ensures predatory skills of newly hatched individuals,” the researchers noted in their paper. Of course, in the wild, almost all of the baby octopuses that did hatch would get eaten up by predators—or would fail to feed themselves enough to grow to maturity.

But the researchers are hoping to learn more from the octo moms to figure out how to keep the hatchlings alive and healthy, at least in captivity.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Breast Cancer!!

Introduction: Science's special section on breast cancer takes a look at the state of research and treatment 20 years after the isolation of the BRCA1 gene

In the whole world breast cancer in most scared able for women.  Women are using tied cloths for a long time or use perfume very much becomes attacked by this virus. A prostitute also can attack. In the ranking the women of Europe, America, Africa and Asia is in the danger line.
The treatment of breast cancer is so complicated. Many women had to die for that although they take treatment. If the treatment can start in initial moment it can finally removed. On the other hand the treatment is so expensive.
When deciding what treatment is best for you, your doctors will consider:
The stage and grade of your cancer (how big it is and how far it has spread)
Your general health
Whether you have been through the menopause
You can discuss your treatment with your care team at any time and ask any questions.
The main treatments for breast cancer are:
Hormone therapy
Biological therapy (targeted therapy)
You may have one of these treatments or a combination. The type of treatment or the combination of treatments will depend on how the cancer was diagnosed and the stage it is at. Breast cancer diagnosed at screening may be at an early stage, but breast cancer diagnosed when you have symptoms may be at a later stage and require a different treatment. Your healthcare team will discuss with you which treatments are most suitable

In our face we show twenty emotions!!

Yeah that’s true.
“I thought it was very odd to have only one positive emotion,” says cognitive scientist Aleix Martinez of Ohio State University in Columbus.

Like him every scientist thought that people could convey only happiness, surprise, sadness, anger, fear and disgust.
He and colleagues came up with 16 combined ones, such as “happily disgusted” and “happily surprised.” Then the researchers asked volunteers to imagine situations that would provoke these emotions, such as listening to a gross joke, or getting unexpected good news.
The team compared pictures of the volunteers making different faces and analyzed every eyebrow wrinkle, mouth stretch and tightened chin, “what we found was beyond belief,” Martinez says. For each compound emotion everyone used the same facial muscles. The team reports on March 31 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

This research may be help computer engineer to develop face recognized software and help scientists better understand emotion-perception disorders such as schizophrenia.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Wi-Fi or satellite signal to ENERGY!!

Researchers of Duke University invented a device which cans covert Microwave to Electricity. It can be use in Mobile phone for charging.
It’s work like solar panels. Solar panel convert light to Electricity and this device converts Microwave into direct Electricity voltage. This device can catch any kind’s wave signal.
Undergraduate engineering student Allen Hawkes, working with graduate student Alexander Katko and lead investigator Steven Cummer, professor of electrical and computer engineering, designed an electrical circuit capable of harvesting microwaves.
A series of five fibreglass and copper energy conductors wired together on a circuit board are used by them to convert microwaves into 7.3V of electricity. On the other hand the USB charger only provides 5 V.
Hawkers said that "We were aiming for the highest energy efficiency we could achieve," and also add tha “We had been getting energy efficiency around 6 to 10 percent, but with this design we were able to dramatically improve energy conversion to 37 percent, which is comparable to what is achieved in solar cells.”
“It’s possible to use this design for a lot of different frequencies and types of energy, including vibration and sound energy harvesting,” according to Duke graduate student Alexander Katko, one of the inventors.“Until now, a lot of work with metamaterials has been theoretical."

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Map of Brain


Mapping the Human Brain

The idea of mapping the human brain is not new. The “father of neuroscience,” Santiago Ramon y Cajal, argued at the turn of the 20th century that the brain was made up of neurons woven together in a highly specific way. We have been trying to map this exquisite network since then.

In fact, scientists in other settings have called the wiring diagram a Grand Challenge of neuroscience in and of itself. It appears on the Grand Challenges of the Mind and Brain list for the National Science Foundation (NSF, 2006), on the Grand Challenges list of the National Academy of Engineering (NRC, 2008), and on the wish lists of at least a half-dozen major scientific fields, from genetics to computer science.

If we are interested in how the mind works, then we definitely need to know the physical instantiation of brains and function, remarked Jeffrey Lichtman, professor of molecular and cellular biology, Harvard University. This effort will require some mechanism to obtain the connectional maps that will integrate anatomy, neuronal activity, and function. Until those are available, the field will not be able to move forward to its full potential.

The challenge is similar, in many ways, to mapping the human genome: We might not know exactly what we will learn, but we have a strong belief that we will learn a lot, commented Leshner.

So why has it not happened?

Because neurons are very small and the human brain is exquisitely complex and hard to study. Eve Marder, professor of neuroscience at Brandeis University and president of the Society for Neuroscience, noted that scientists have been working on circuit analysis for nearly 40 years, primarily with smaller organisms, particularly invertebrates, because their simpler neurological systems are more amenable to study and analysis.

The classic approach, in place since the 1960s, has been simple: Define behaviors, identify neurons involved in those behaviors, determine the connectivity between those neurons, and then excite individual neurons to understand their role in influencing behavior. This approach is called “circuit dynamics,” and it has been tremendously helpful to understanding how these simple neurological systems work.

But as you move from sponges and anemones to primates and humans, each step of that analytical process becomes infinitely more challenging.

As Marder noted, the impediments, until today, to understanding larger circuits and vertebrate brains include difficulty in identifying neurons, difficulty in perturbing individual classes of neurons in isolation, and difficulty in recording from enough of the neurons at the same time with enough spatial and temporal resolution.

In other words, difficulty arose in every step of the circuit dynamics process.

But the key words in Marder’s statement are “until today.” If you look at the three things Marder identified as stumbling blocks, major technological breakthroughs over the past few years have solved or are close to solving each one, starting with a new technique born from the lab of Lichtman: “the Brainbow.”

Lesson 1

Friday, 21 March 2014

How does the Brain work

Lesson 1

Actually our scientists are still unable to give proper description about the working process of BRAIN.
The human brain is perhaps the most complex of organs, boasting between 50-100 billion nerve cells or neurons that constantly interact with each other. These neurons ‘carry’ messages through electrochemical processes; meaning, chemicals in our body (charged sodium, potassium and chloride ions) move in and out of these cells and establish an electrical current.
Rodrigo Quian Quiroga Professor of Leicester Bioengineer University publish an article called Nature Reviews Neuroscience. In the article, Prof. Quian Quiroga and co-author Dr. Stefano Panzeri discuss new methodologies that are enabling scientists to better understand how our brain processes information.
“The human brain typically makes decisions based on a single stimulus, by evaluating the activity of a large number of neurons. I don’t get in front of a tiger 100 times to make an average of my neuronal responses and decide if I should run or not. If I see a tiger once, I run” said by Prof. Quian Quiroga
He also add
“A major challenge of our days is (thus) to develop the methodologies to record and process the data from hundreds of neurons and developing these is by no means a trivial task”.
“Our brains are able to create
very complex processes – just imagine the perfect harmony with which we move different muscles for normal walking – thousands of neurons are involved in this and to determine the role of each is complicated”.
In review paper he discusses about two things. One is ‘decoding’ and ‘information theory’.
‘Decoding’ essentially helps determine what must have caused a particular response (much like “working backwards”). Thus, the response of a neuronal population is used to reconstruct the stimulus or behaviour that caused it in the first place. ‘Information theory’, on the other hand, literally quantifies how much information a number of neurons carry about the stimulus.
He said “together, the two approaches not only allow scientists to extract more information on how the brain works, but information that is ambiguous at the level of single neurons, can be clearly evaluated when the whole ‘population’ is considered”

The review is an asset for anyone involved in the field, as it carefully considers and evaluates the two statistical approaches, as well as describes potential applications.

Working process of AC

We all are know about ac. That it control the heat. But how? lets see that..

Air conditioner (AC) are use to control heat. Refrigerator and AC work in same prices.
Air conditioners use chemicals that easily convert from a gas to a liquid and back again. This chemical is used to transfer heat from the air inside of a home to the outside air.

A compressor, a condenser and an evaporator is the part of AC. The compressor and condenser are usually located on the outside air portion of the air conditioner. The evaporator is located on the inside the house, sometimes as part of a furnace. That's the part that heats your house.

Pic of AC
The working fluid arrives at the compressor as a cool, low-pressure gas. The compressor squeezes the fluid. This packs the molecule of the fluid closer together. The closer the molecules are together, the higher its energy and its temperature.
The working fluid leaves the compressor as a hot, high pressure gas and flows into the condenser. If you looked at the air conditioner part outside a house, look for the part that has metal fins all around. The fins act just like a radiator in a car and help the heat go away, or dissipate, more quickly.
When the working fluid leaves the condenser, its temperature is much cooler and it has changed from a gas to a liquid under high pressure. The liquid goes into the evaporator through a very tiny, narrow hole. On the other side, the liquid's pressure drops. When it does it begins to evaporate into a gas.
As the liquid changes to gas and evaporates, it extracts heat from the air around it. The heat in the air is needed to separate the molecules of the fluid from a liquid to a gas.
The evaporator also has metal fins to help in exchange the thermal energy with the surrounding air.
By the time the working fluid leaves the evaporator, it is a cool, low pressure gas. It then returns to the compressor to begin its trip all over again.
Connected to the evaporator is a fan that circulates the air inside the house to blow across the evaporator fins. Hot air is lighter than cold air, so the hot air in the room rises to the top of a room.
There is a vent there where air is sucked into the air conditioner and goes down ducts. The hot air is used to cool the gas in the evaporator. As the heat is removed from the air, the air is cooled. It is then blown into the house through other ducts usually at the floor level.
This continues over and over and over until the room reaches the temperature you want the room cooled to. The thermostat senses that the temperature has reached the right setting and turns off the air conditioner. As the room warms up, the thermostat turns the air conditioner back on until the room reaches the temperature.

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Saturday, 8 March 2014

Worming of global

                                      GLOBAL CHANGING 

Earth is currently in a period of warming. Over the last century, Earth's average temperature rose about 1.1°F (0.6°C). In the last two decades, the rate of our world's warming accelerated and scientists predict that the globe will continue to warm over the course of the 21st century. Is this warming trend a reason for concern? After all, our world has witnessed extreme warm periods before, such as during the time of the dinosaurs. Earth has also seen numerous ice ages on roughly 11,000-year cycles for at least the last million years. So, change is perhaps the only constant in Earth's 4.5-billion-year history.
Scientists note that there are two new and different twists to today's changing climate: (1) The globe is warming at a faster rate than it ever has before; and (2) Humans are the main reason Earth is warming. Since the industrial revolution, which began in the mid-1800s, humans have attained the magnitude of a geological force in terms of our ability to change Earth's environment and impact its climate system.
Since 1900, human population doubled and then doubled again. Today more than 6.5 billion people inhabit our world. By burning increasing amounts of coal and oil, we drove up carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere by 30 percent. Carbon dioxide is a "greenhouse gas" that traps warmth near the surface.
Humans are also affecting Earth's climate system in other ways. For example, we transformed roughly 40 percent of Earth's habitable land surface to make way for our crop fields, cities, roads, livestock pastures, etc. We also released particulate pollution (called "aerosols") into the atmosphere. Changing the surface and introducing aerosols into the atmosphere can both increase and reduce cloud cover. Thus, in addition to driving up average global temperature, humans are also influencing rainfall and drought patterns around the world. While scientists have solid evidence of such human influence, more data and research are needed to better understand and quantify our impact on our world

popular link : Solar system

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Sollar panel system

                 Curriculum to convert light to electricity.

We know that silicon is a semiconductor material. For that reasons it causes electrons flow, creating electricity. Solar power generating systems take advantage of this property to convert sunlight directly into electrical energy.
There are two types of solar power generating systems: grid-connected systems, which are connected to the commercial power infrastructure; and stand-alone systems, which feed electricity to a facility for immediate use, or to a battery for storage.
Sunlight is composed of miniscule particles called photons, which radiate from the sun. As these hit the silicon atoms of the solar cell, they transfer their energy to lose electrons, knocking them clean off the atoms. The photons could be compared to the white ball in a game of pool, which passes on its energy to the coloured balls it strikes.
Freeing up electrons is however only half the work of a solar cell: it then needs to herd these stray electrons into an electric current. This involves creating an electrical imbalance within the cell, which acts a bit like a slope down which the electrons will flow in the same direction.
Creating this imbalance is made possible by the internal organisation of silicon. Silicon atoms are arranged together in a tightly bound structure. By squeezing small quantities of other elements into this structure, two different types of silicon are created: n-type, which has spare electrons, and p-type, which is missing electrons, leaving ‘holes’ in their place.
When these two materials are placed side by side inside a solar cell, the n-type silicon’s spare electrons jump over to fill the gaps in the p-type silicon. This means that the n-type silicon becomes positively charged, and the p-type silicon is negatively charged, creating an electric field across the cell. Because silicon is a semi-conductor, it can act like an insulator, maintaining this imbalance.
As the photons smash the electrons off the silicon atoms, this field drives them along in an orderly manner, providing the electric current to power calculators, satellites and everything in between.
Grid-connected systems are used for homes, public facilities such as schools and hospitals, and commercial facilities such as offices and shopping centres. Electricity generated during the daytime can be used right away, and in some cases surplus electricity can be sold to the utility power company. If the system doesn’t generate enough electricity, or generates none at all (for example, on a cloudy or rainy day, or at night) electricity is purchased from the utility power company. Power production levels and surplus selling can be checked in real time on a monitor, an effective way to gauge daily energy consumption.
Stand-alone systems are used in a variety of applications, including emergency power supply and remote power where traditional infrastructure is unavailable.

popular link: New suparnova

Saturday, 1 March 2014

New Brightest Supernova!!

                           New Brightest Supernova!

University of California has discovered the brightest supernova. Name is SN2014J. It is an brightest and faster Ia type supernova.

A colour composite of SN 2014J, located in the "cigar galaxy" M82, 11.4 million light years away, made from KAIT images obtained through several different filters. The supernova is marked with an arrow. Other round objects are relatively nearby stars in our own Milky Way Galaxy. Image by W. Zheng and A. Filippenko, UC Berkeley.
When University of California, Berkeley, astronomer Alex Filippenko's research team looked for the supernova in data collected by the Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope (KAIT) at Lick Observatory near San Jose, Calif., they discovered that the robotic telescope had actually taken a photo of it 37 hours after it appeared, unnoticed, on Jan. 14.
New telescopes to catch more supernovae
Because of the importance of supernovae in measuring the universe, many new telescopes, such as the Palomar Transient Factor in San Diego County and the Pan-STARRS in Hawaii, continually rescan the sky to discover more of them. The KAIT telescope has a smaller field of view than newer ones do, so Filippenko's team has switched its focus to discovering supernovae earlier: it scans the same patches of sky every night or every other night. The sooner a new explosion is discovered, the sooner astronomers can capture information, such as spectra showing how the supernova brightens in different colors or wavelengths.
Last year, for example, KAIT and Filippenko's Lick Observatory Supernova Search (LOSS) team discovered and photographed SN 2013dy within two and a half hours of its appearance, earlier than for any other Type Ia. KAIT, which is operated by postdoctoral scholar WeiKang Zheng, is programmed to automatically take images of likely supernovae in five different wavelength bands, and in 2012 captured one supernova, SN 2012cg, three minutes after its discovery.
"Very, very early observations give us the most stringent constraints on what the star's behavior really is in the first stages of the explosion, rather than just relying on theoretical speculation or extrapolating back from observations at later times, which is like observing adolescents to understand early childhood," Filippenko said.
Filippenko's colleagues include Zheng; UC Berkeley graduate student Isaac Shivvers; assistant specialist Kelsey I. Clubb; postdoctoral scholars Ori D. Fox, Melissa L. Graham, Patrick L. Kelly and Jon C. Mauerhan; and amateur astronomer Koichi Itagaki of the Itagaki Astronomical Observatory in Yamagata, Japan, who captured an image of SN 2014J just 20 hours after it exploded.
The research was funded by the TABASGO Foundation, the Sylvia & Jim Katzman Foundation, the Christopher R. Redlich Fund, Gary and Cynthia Bengier, the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund, Weldon and Ruth Wood, and the National Science Foundation.

Summary: The closest and brightest supernova in decades, SN 2014J, brightens faster than expected for Type Ia supernovae, the exploding stars used to measure cosmic distances, according to astronomers. Another recent supernova also brightened faster than expected, suggesting that there is unsuspected new physics going on inside these exploding stars. The finding may also help physicists improve their use of these supernovae to measure cosmic distance.

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Friday, 28 February 2014

new black hole

A new black hole has found!

Nearby galaxy M83 has found a new black hole. It was named as MQ1 and the first object of its kind to be studied in this much detail. A team of Australian and American astronomers have found it.
The black hole in MQ1 is only about 100 kilometers wide; the MQ1 structure -- as identified by the Hubble Space Telescope -- is much bigger than our Solar System, as the jets around it extend about 20 light years from either side of the black hole.
The discovery of MQ1 and its characteristics is just one of the results of the comprehensive study of galaxy M83, a collection of millions of stars located 15 million light years away from Earth
The team found a object containing much power and like as MQ1. Still they are unable to find out the size. Dr Roberto Soria senior research of Curtin University who is part of the International Center for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) and led the team investigating MQ1, said it was important to understand how stars were formed, how they evolved and how they died, within a spiral shaped galaxy like M83

M83, the iconic Southern-sky galaxy, is being mapped with the Hubble Space and Magellan telescopes (detecting visible light), the Chandra X-ray Observatory (detecting light in X-ray frequencies), the Australia Telescope Compact Array and the Very Large Array (detecting radio waves).

Saturday, 22 February 2014



Definition: A star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass.


The explosive death of a massive star whose energy output causes its expanding gases to glow brightly for weeks or months. A supernova remnant is the glowing, expanding gaseous remains of a supernova explosion.

     ROMA – Una “fabbrica” di polveri è stata scoperta in una supernova
 dal telescopio Alma dell’Eso,
 Osservatorio Europeo Meridionale.
 La supernova chiamata

Nova means "new" in Latin, referring to what appears to be a very bright new star shining in the celestial sphere; the prefix "super-" distinguishes supernovae from ordinary novae which are far less luminous. The word supernova was coined by Walter Baade and Fritz Zwicky in 1931.

More than five supernovas have been observed to have occurred in our galaxy in the last thousand years, including the "guest star" in Taurus described by Chinese astronomers in 1054; Tycho's star in Cassiopeia, observed by Tycho Brahe in 1572; and Kepler's supernova in 1604. In 1885 the first extragalactic supernova was discovered telescopically in the Andromeda Galaxy

; some 700 others have been observed since. In 1987 Supernova 1987A appeared in the Large Magellanic Cloud. It was the first supernova visible to the unaided eye since 1604, and its eruption marked the first time that neutrinos were detected on earth from such an event (see neutrino astronomy


Imagine living on a planet with seasons so erratic you would hardly know whether to wear Bermuda shorts or a heavy overcoat. That is the situation on a weird, wobbly world found by NASA's planet-hunting Kepler space telescope.

The planet, designated Kepler-413b, precesses, or wobbles, wildly on its spin axis, much like a child's top. The tilt of the planet's spin axis can vary by as much as 30 degrees over 11 years, leading to rapid and erratic changes in seasons. In contrast, Earth's rotational precession is 23.5 degrees over 26,000 years. Researchers are amazed that this far-off planet is precessing on a human timescale.
Kepler 413-b is located 2,300 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. It circles a close pair of orange and red dwarf stars every 66 days. The planet's orbit around the binary stars appears to wobble, too, because the plane of its orbit is tilted 2.5 degrees with respect to the plane of the star pair's orbit. As seen from Earth, the wobbling orbit moves up and down continuously.
Kepler finds planets by noticing the dimming of a star or stars when a planet transits, or travels in front of them. Normally, planets transit like clockwork. Astronomers using Kepler discovered the wobbling when they found an unusual pattern of transiting for Kepler-413b.
"Looking at the Kepler data over the course of 1,500 days, we saw three transits in the first 180 days -- one transit every 66 days -- then we had 800 days with no transits at all. After that, we saw five more transits in a row," said Veselin Kostov, the principal investigator on the observation. Kostov is affiliated with the Space Telescope Science Institute and Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md. The next transit visible from Earth's point of view is not predicted to occur until 2020. This is because the orbit moves up and down, a result of the wobbling, in such a great degree that it sometimes does not transit the stars as viewed from Earth.
Astronomers are still trying to explain why this planet is out of alignment with its stars. There could be other planetary bodies in the system that tilted the orbit. Or, it could be that a third star nearby that is a visual companion may actually be gravitationally bound to the system and exerting an influence.
"Presumably there are planets out there like this one that we're not seeing because we're in the unfavorable period," said Peter McCullough, a team member with the Space Telescope Science Institute and Johns Hopkins University. "And that's one of the things that Veselin is researching: Is there a silent majority of things that we're not seeing?"
Even with its changing seasons, Kepler-413b is too warm for life as we know it. Because it orbits so close to the stars, its temperatures are too high for liquid water to exist, making it inhabitable. It also is a super Neptune -- a giant gas planet with a mass about 65 times that of Earth -- so there is no surface on which to stand.
Ames is responsible for the Kepler mission concept, ground system development, mission operations and science data analysis. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., managed Kepler mission development. Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. in Boulder, Colo., developed the Kepler flight system and supports mission operations with the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado in Boulder. The Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore archives, hosts and distributes Kepler science data. Kepler is NASA's 10th Discovery mission and was funded by the agency's Science Mission Directorate.

solar system map.

More than 400 years after its discovery by Galileo, the largest moon in the solar system has finally claimed a spot on the map.

A team of scientists led by Wes Patterson of the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), Laurel, Md., and Geoffrey Collins of Wheaton College, Norton, Mass., has produced the first global geologic map of Ganymede, a Galilean moon of Jupiter. Published by the U.S. Geological Survey, the map technically illustrates the varied geologic character of Ganymede's surface, and is the first complete global geologic map of an icy, outer-planet moon.
Patterson, Collins and colleagues used images from NASA's Voyager and Galileo missions to create the map. It's only the fourth of its kind covering a planetary satellite; similar maps exist for Earth's moon as well as Jupiter's moons Io and Callisto.
"By mapping all of Ganymede's surface, we can more accurately address scientific questions regarding the formation and evolution of this truly unique moon," says Patterson, a planetary scientist.
Since its discovery in January 1610, Ganymede has been the focus of repeated observation, first by Earth-based telescopes, and later by flyby missions and spacecraft orbiting Jupiter. These studies depict a complex icy world whose surface is characterized by the striking contrast between its two major terrain types: the dark, very old, highly cratered regions; and the lighter, somewhat younger (but still ancient) regions marked with an extensive array of grooves and ridges.
With a diameter of 3,280 miles (5,262 kilometres), Ganymede is larger than both planet Mercury and dwarf planet Pluto. It's also the only satellite in the solar system known to have its own magnetosphere. The map details geologic features of the moon that formed and evolved over much of our solar system's history. These features record evidence of Ganymede's internal evolution, its dynamical interactions with the other Galilean satellites, and the evolution of the small bodies that have impacted Ganymede's surface.
The new chart will be a valuable tool for researchers to compare the geologic characters of other icy moons, since almost any type of feature that is found on other icy satellites has a similar feature somewhere on Ganymede. And with a surface over half as large as all the land area on Earth, Ganymede offers a wide variety of locations to observe. "Ganymede also shows features that are ancient alongside much more recently formed features, adding historical diversity in addition to geographic diversity," Collins says.
Along with Collins and Patterson, the Ganymede mapping team also includes Louise Prockter of APL; James Head, Brown University, Providence, R.I.; Robert Pappalardo, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.; Baerbel Lucchitta, USGS, Flagstaff, Ariz.; and Jonathan Kay, University of Idaho. NASA funded the project through its Outer Planets Research and Planetary Geology and Geophysics programs

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Dolphin will get the right of man!!!

Dolphin becomes an important issue in Romania parliament.!

Dolphine is not Porposic more!

In Romania Parliament a politics social worker name Rimes Sonia (39) passed a bill. In this bill he mentioned the dolphin as “man who is not human”
Actually dolphin is very intelligent and has much personality.

For that reason it was mentioned like that. In next week it will be discuses. If this bill passes the dolphin will get the right of human. If anyone kills any dolphin he will punished as a human killer. And no one will be able to use dolphin in entertainment show
Sonia said that the aim of this bill is top safe the dolphin of the sea of Krishna.

Oskar winner movie builder Loi Saihoos send a letter to Sonia and corroborate his bill. He made a video named “THE COVE “in 2009 in chase of dolphin

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Hydrogen Become Fuel!!

       Hydrogen Become Fuel!!

 Hydrogen is the first element on the periodic table, making it the lightest element on earth. Since hydrogen gas is so light, it rises in the atmosphere and is therefore rarely found in its pure form, H2. In a flame of pure hydrogen gas, burning in air, the hydrogen (H2) reacts with oxygen (O2) to form water (H2O) and releases heat. Other than water, hydrogen combustion may yield small amounts of nitrogen oxides.
Gasoline fuel polluted the environment. But since 1970 Hydrogen become the alternative fuel. But it can’t work successfully only for 2 reason!

The reasons are:

1.     Storage Problem.
2.     Commercial production.

But now the team of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), Department of Energy (DOE), has discovered a new material called air stable magnesium nanocomposites. This material can store Hydrogen without complex methodology.

Sun give us electrical power. But it can’t give the power of fuel. The hydrogen will complete the gap. It will produce both kinds of power. Just it’s the matter of time. 

NOTE: NASA has being using from 1970. They operate all mission of  ORBITE by fuel Hydrogen. Hydrogen fuel cells power the shuttle's electrical systems, producing a clean by-product - pure water, which the crew drinks.